Halloween Safety Tips during COVID-19

Algoma Public Health

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Halloween Safety Tips during COVID-19

Mon, Oct 19, 2020

Algoma Public Health is advising community members to be cautious and take preventive actions when planning Halloween activities.

“High risk activities like indoor haunted houses or Halloween parties should be avoided this year,” says Dr. Marlene Spruyt, Medical Officer of Health. “By law, indoor private gatherings must be limited to 10 people or less - the fewer the people, the lower the risk.”

“For children and households who are planning to take part in trick-or-treating this year, please follow public health advice to stay safe. As the novel coronavirus and other cold and flu viruses continue to circulate in our communities, now more than ever, it’s important to avoid close contact and stay 2 metres apart from anyone outside of our immediate household.”

Here are some tips to have a safe Halloween:

  • Stay home if feeling ill or if you have mild symptoms.

  • Only trick-or-treat with those in your household.

  • Do not congregate or linger at doorsteps and line up two metres apart if waiting.

  • Whether collecting or handing out treats, wash hands often or use hand sanitizer.

  • Use tongs to hand out treats; do not leave treats in a bowl for children to grab.

  • When handing out candy, be more outside than inside. If you can, stand outside your door to hand out treats.

  • Choose costumes that allow a non-medical mask to be worn underneath. Make sure you can see and breathe comfortably.

  • Please do not hand out treats if you or anyone in your house has symptoms, is waiting for a COVID-19 test result or has been advised to self -isolate

  • Consider putting up posters to let trick-or-treaters know if you are participating in Halloween or not.

Other safe Halloween options include decorating the exterior of your home, hosting a virtual pumpkin carving or costume contest, or watching Halloween movies with members of your household.

More tips on Halloween safety during COVID-19
