School suspensions approaching: Now is the time to update your child’s vaccines and submit immunization records to Algoma Public Health

Algoma Public Health

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School suspensions approaching: Now is the time to update your child’s vaccines and submit immunization records to Algoma Public Health

Wed, Feb 28, 2024

Algoma Public Health (APH) is reminding the community about the importance of staying up to date on childhood vaccines.  This message comes at a time when Algoma communities are approaching the school suspension period related to the 
enforcement of the Immunization of School Pupil’s Act this spring.

Starting next week, APH will be sending out roughly 4,000 letters and suspension orders to parents and guardians in Algoma. The purpose is to inform them that APH’s immunization record for their child is still not up to date. This is in follow up to initial letters sent in July 2023 followed by reminder letters in early January 2024.  Parents and guardians receiving this letter and suspension order will have time to arrange a vaccine appointment and report this information to APH in order to avoid a 20-day suspension for their child this Spring.  

“The prevention of infectious diseases through immunization is a key component of ensuring a safe school environment,” said Dr. Tuinema, Associate Medical Officer of Health at Algoma Public Health. “High rates of vaccination are imperative for achieving herd immunity and protecting our children from severe diseases."


Vaccines are important for everyone, not just children. The Chief Public Health Officer of Canada recently advised everyone in Canada to ensure they are vaccinated with two doses of a measles vaccine, especially before travelling.  Global measles cases are rising, including in Canada and Ontario.

Families can update vaccine records for their children through one of the below methods.

How to update your child’s immunization records:


Please ensure any submission includes your child’s full name and date of birth.


  1. Enter the vaccine record online at 
  2. Call your local Algoma Public Health office:
    • Blind River: 705-356-2551
    • Elliot Lake: 705-848-2314
    • Sault Ste. Marie: 705-759-5409
    • Wawa: 705-856-7208
  3. Email a picture of their vaccine record to (If you are sending us personal information by email, please be aware that electronic communication is not always secure and can be vulnerable to interception)
  4. Fax the vaccine record to 705-541-5959 (confidential fax). 

If your child requires a vaccine:


Ensure your child receives any missing immunizations by making an appointment with your health care provider (if you have one) or with Algoma Public Health.

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