Local COVID-19 Data

Algoma Public Health

Local COVID-19 Data

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Effective June 3, 2024, updates to this page will be paused until further notice. The Ministry’s COVID-19 surveillance is currently in transition to a new reporting system. In the interim please visit the Ontario Respiratory Virus Tool for provincial updates or Health Canada’s COVID-19 epidemiology update: Summary page for national updates.



Cases & Deaths


Confirmed COVID-19 Cases in Algoma

Updates to this page have been paused. Data displayed is reflective up to June 3, 2024.


  Current Change in previous 7 days

Confirmed Cases

14,201 19

Active Cases

15 -19

Resolved Cases

14,186 38

*Rate of Cases per Week (cases per 100,000 population)


*only includes confirmed cases up to June 1, 2024



Confirmed COVID-19 Deaths in Algoma

Updates to this page have been paused. Data displayed is reflective up to June 3, 2024.


  Current Status Previous status
(7 days prior)
Change from previous report


123 123 No change

COVID-19 was underlying cause of death

65 65 No change

COVID-19 contributed to but was not underlying cause of death

56 56 No change

Unknown cause of death

2 2 No change
Updated: June 3, 2024, 1:25 PM



Cases by Area of Residence

Updates to this page have been paused. Data displayed is reflective up to June 3, 2024.


Algoma Region

Current Change in the previous 7 days

Central & East Algoma

1,739 7
Elliot Lake & Area 1,212 3
North Algoma 393 1
Sault Ste. Marie & Area 10,857 8
Updated: June 3, 2024, 1:25 PM



Weekly Case Count

Updates to this page have been paused. Data displayed is reflective up to June 3, 2024.

Weekly COVID-19 cases across the Algoma district



Weekly Incidence

Updates to this page have been paused. Data displayed is reflective up to June 3, 2024.

Graph of weekly COVID-19 incidence rate in Algoma



Outbreak Activity


Complete list of outbreak activity in Algoma.

Immunization Tracker
Additional Resources