Healthy Sexuality

Algoma Public Health

Healthy Sexuality

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Sexuality is a sense of who we are and how we feel about ourselves as sexual beings. Healthy sexuality is an important part of a child’s overall health and wellbeing. When learning about sexual health it is important to include the social, emotional, spiritual, and physical aspects of sexuality and relationships. 


Sexual health is an element of human health and is based on a positive, equitable, and respectful approach to sexuality, relationships, and reproduction that is free of coercion, fear, discrimination, stigma, shame, and violence. Below is a list of different topics and resources to learn from.

General Information

Get the information you need to know and find it fast: sexual health, sexually transmitted infections and reproductive health.

Healthy sexuality

Algoma Public Health Nurse Practitioner and Public Health Nurse health services are free, confidential and by appointment only (except for drop-in birth control purchasing). Appointments are available in person and over the phone. Hours may differ depending on availability at each APH office. Nurse Practitioner clinic services are available over the phone as well as in person at the APH office in Sault Ste. Marie.


For any questions related to clinical services, please call 705-942-4646, Toll-Free 1-866-892-0172 or your local APH office.

Teen Health Source

A sexual health information service run for and by youth. Whether teens need information about birth control, sexually transmitted infections, healthy relationships, or puberty, we provide information in a non-judgmental, sex-positive, pro-choice, and inclusive manner.

Sex & U

a real-life approach to the questions and issues around sex and sexuality that matter most to Canadians. From talking about sex, to lifestyle choices, to contraception awareness and sexually transmitted infections, provides accurate, credible, and up-to-date information and education on topics related to sexual and reproductive is an initiative of the Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada, Canada's leading authority on sexual and reproductive health.

Birth Control

Available for loan through your School Health Nurse, the Birth Control Kits are a collection of resources compiled to help teachers implement the H&PE Curriculum. Please speak to your school  nurse to request a kit or call the School Health Support Phone Line at 705-942-4646 ext. 3296 to request a kit.


Always Changing (OPHEA) is a free school-based resource designed to teach pre-teens in Grades 5/6 and 7/8 about the transition between childhood and adolescence, and the beginning stages of puberty.

Sexually Transmitted Infections

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are infectious diseases that spread from one person to another through any type of sexual contact. This resource can help you find detailed descriptions of the signs and symptoms of common STIs, and considerations for prevention, testing, and treatment options for each one.

Healthy Relationships

Focusing on healthy relationships is one of the best ways to promote healthy development for youth. Learn about relationship basics, and some ideas around what a healthy relationship looks like.


Youth Line offers confidential and non-judgemental peer support through our telephone, text and chat services. Get in touch with a peer support volunteer from Sunday to Friday, 4:00PM to 9:30 PM.



Date modified: January, 2023