Facility Inspection Reports

Algoma Public Health

Facility Inspection Reports

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Get the latest inspection results from across Algoma!


This interactive database provides quick and easy access to local inspection and enforcement-related activities by Algoma Public Health. The inspection reports provide a summary of conditions observed by the public health inspector at the time of the inspection. You can use this information to make informed decisions about where you choose to receive or purchase services.


Inspection information is available online for:


  • Childcare facilities
  • Food premises 
  • Personal services settings
  • Public pools and spas (Recreational water facilities)
  • Small drinking water systems

Enforcement related information is available online for:


  • Food premises
  • Personal service settings
  • Public pools and public spas
  • Public beaches
  • Drink water facilities
  • Tobacco and Electronic Cigarette Vendors 



Date of Creation: April 1, 2019