Food Insecurity in Algoma

Algoma Public Health

Food Insecurity in Algoma

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What is Food Insecurity?


Food insecurity occurs when an individual or household has inadequate or insecure access to food due to financial constraints.


An individual or household can be considered food insecure if they experience any of the following:

  • Worry about running out of food or have a limited selection of food due to lack of money
  • Compromise quality and/or quantity of food due to lack of money
  • Skip meals, reduce food intake, and at the most extreme go day(s) without food


Why should we care about Food Insecurity?


  • Food is a basic human right. Everyone deserves to meet their daily food needs with dignity.
  • During 2020-2022, nearly 1 in 5 households in Algoma experience food insecurity.
  • Adults who experience food insecurity have poorer physical and mental health, poorer oral health, higher stress levels, and are less able to participate in their communities.
  • Children who experience food insecurity have poorer general health and are at greater risk for mental health conditions including social anxiety, suicidal thoughts, and depression.
  • The most food insecure individuals can cost the health care system up to 121% more money annually4.
  • Food charity is not enough. Food banks provide temporary relief for people struggling to afford food, but do not address the root of the problem which is inadequate income. 

What is food insecurity?




You can view the full food affordability & insecurity infographic.



  1. PROOF (Food Insecurity Policy Research). Household food insecurity in Canada [webpage online]. Toronto, ON: Food Insecurity Policy Research (PROOF); 2020 [cited 2020 Aug 27]. Available from:
  2. PROOF - How many Canadians are affected by household food insecurity?
  3. Public Health Ontario, Household Food Insecurity Estimates from the Canadian Income Survey: Ontario 2019-2022. Date extracted: August 28th, 2023.
  4. PROOF - The Impact of Food Insecurity on Health - PROOF (
  5. Ontario Dietitians in Public Health - Position Statement and Recommendations on Responses to Food Insecurity.