Algoma Public Health
- Parenting
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Being a parent is one of the most fulfilling roles of your lifetime, and also one of the most challenging. We offer support and resources that will help you build your skills and confidence, while providing a safe, secure, and non-conflict home.
Local Resources:
Resources are available that can provide support to you and your family. Follow the links below to find the support best for you.
A secure attachment is the deep connection that children form with their caregiver(s). Children need to feel safe, cared for and protected, which requires physically and emotionally available caregivers. This helps meet their needs in a warm, sensitive, and consistent way. How caregivers respond to and behave towards their children as young as infancy can affect this lifelong bond.
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) are potentially traumatic events that occur in childhood.
The 10 ACEs of trauma are forms of physical/emotional abuse, neglect and household dysfunction. They generally include the following:
- Physical abuse
- Sexual abuse
- Emotional abuse
- Physical neglect
- Emotional neglect
- Mental illness
- Divorce
- Substance abuse
- Violence against your mother
- Mental illness
- Having a relative who has been sent to jail or prison
The ACEs create levels of stress which shape your perspective on yourself and the safety of relationships. And they increase the risk of physical, emotional and social problems later in life.
People who lived through the 10 ACES of trauma will often struggle as adults. For instance, ACEs increase the odds of
- Alcohol and drug abuse which also increases the risk of smoking
- Depression
- Leading a more sedentary lifestyle which leads to obesity
- Employment difficulties
- Health issues such as diabetes, cancer, heart disease, and stroke
- Being at higher risk of contracting an STD/STI
- Attempting suicide
Why do the ACEs cause these problems? The reason lies not with the present, but with the unresolved stress, anxiety, and beliefs that you still carry from your past.
Jordan's Principle is a child-first and needs-based principle used to ensure that First Nations children living on and off reserve have equitable access to all government funded public services.
Available 24 hours, 7 days a week
Jordan's Principle Call Centre: 1-855-JP-CHILD (1-855-572-4453)
Triple P one on one session(s)
Triple P provides tips and strategies for parents. Algoma Public Health is proud to be one of the dozen organizations in Algoma who have trained their staff to be Triple P practitioners. Find out more at
For any parent who wants skills training to support their parenting. The session(s) will focus on a specific parenting challenge. Eg temper tantrums, fighting and aggression, disobedience etc. The session can be as brief as 30 minutes, or as long as an hour, depending on your needs and schedule. With coaching, you will learn and practice parenting strategies, and monitor your child’s progress. This triple P one-on-one session(s) is with an APH Triple P practitioner who is available here at APH on Tuesday mornings.
The Best Start Hubs also offer one on one session(s) visit to access the Best Start Hub for a one on one appointment
Calling all Moms with babies 0-12 months!
Ease the transition into motherhood by connecting with other moms in the community. Learn valuable strategies for early parenting and maternal mental wellness.
Note: counselling is not provided.
Register for our spring group.
Mental health is one of the most important aspects of your health. Positive mental health impacts a person’s well-being and influences your overall health. Good mental health allows a person to reach their potential and deal with normal stresses of life.
As a parent, you carry the stress of supporting and caring for another person(s). Positive coping skills can help improve our ability to manage these additional stressors and support our mental health. Through positive coping skills a person can build resilience which allows a person to better handle the normal stresses of life and overcome challenging situations.
Needing support for your mental health is not something to feel ashamed of. We want to find the right support for you so it is important to seek help early.
Support for individuals in crisis, using a safe, trauma-informed, inclusive, and culturally sensitive approach.
Phone: 705-759-3398; (toll-free) 1-800-721-0077
If you're experiencing emotional distress and want to talk, contact the toll-free Hope for Wellness Help Line at 1-855-242-3310 or the online chat at open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
To ensure that the healing and wellness needs of the local Indigenous community are addressed by implementing the Indigenous Healing and Wellness Strategy at the local level to reduce family violence, promote healthy lifestyles, culture based programming and healing.
Phone: 705-256-5634 ext. 2202 or 2206
Enroll and book a session with Life With a Baby as they guide your journey to find what works best for you as a parent. Every choice is judgement-free.
The Soup Kitchen provides a healthy lunch five days a week that can be picked up at the door. Lunch can be picked up Monday through Friday 11:30 am - 4:00 pm.
The Ontario Works program provides financial assistance to individuals and families (participants) in financial need.
The program is designed to provide support and assistance to participants as they work towards stability and employment.
By meeting the requirements of the Ontario Works Act, individuals will participate in seeking employment, skill development, volunteering, gaining self-employment, and/or completing basic education.
OW-Ontario Works540 Albert Street East. Main: 705-759-5266 Intake line: 705-759-2130
The Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) is intended to meet the needs of people with disabilities and help them to become more independent * ODSP provides financial assistance to people with disabilities * Amount of benefit depends on size of family, shelter costs, income, and assets
- ODSP - Ontario Disability Support Program341 Queen East. 705-253-2001
If you live in Sault Ste. Marie, Credit Councelling for help with your debt problems.
A professional Credit Counsellor will work with you on your debt problems and evaluate your suitability for debt consolidation, as well as other options aimed at helping you become debt-free
- Credit Counselling Debt Repayment
Reduces the impact of poverty for those in the greatest need. The Community Assistance Trust partners with organizations, service clubs and the faith community to provide one stop public assistance:
Assists with medical transportation trough the Northern Health Travel Grant
Provides assistance for individuals with rental arrears (to avoid eviction), eyeglasses, baby safety items, emergency dental, and utilities (to avoid disconnection)
Community Assistance Trust: 705-256-7476 ext. 222
Help for people in temporary financial need. This includes Emergency Assistance for those facing financial crisis due to the 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19) or other emergency situations (e.g., flood, fire).
If you are in an emergency and you live in Ontario, you might be eligible for
- Provincial Emergency Assistance emergency support for things like food/housing
Preventive services, at no cost, as well as oral hygiene and dental nutrition education is offered to all pregnant people. These services may include:
- scaling (cleaning)
- topical fluoride
- oral health education
Free preventive services as well as oral hygiene and dental nutrition education is offered to all pregnant people and children 0-4. These services may include:
- scaling (cleaning)
- topical fluoride
- oral health education
The Sault Ste. Marie Social Housing Application Centre processes all housing applications. The Application Centre is responsible for forwarding your application for housing to the providers you’ve selected.
- Housing application home page for SSM
Step-by-step information about legal problems.
- Steps to Justice -- Housing Law legalities around renting, repairs/maintenance etc.
The Affordable Homeownership Program bridges a gap for families unable to afford a traditional mortgage by providing them with the opportunity to purchase their own home.
The Ontario Aboriginal Housing Services is a corporation with a mandate to provide safe and affordable housing to urban and rural First Nation, Inuit and Métis people living off-Reserve in Ontario. Our vision is to lead the design, development and delivery of a sustainable and culturally appropriate continuum of housing that promotes excellence in the community and organizational infrastructures.
- Ontario Aboriginal Housing services — steps to renting or owning a home
Through the provision of emergency and short-term housing, referral and outreach services, Pauline's Place will assist and support clients to make the transition to becoming stable and active members of the community.
- Pauline's Place Emergency/Short term housing 705-759-4663
CHADWIC Home provides free temporary emergency shelter and support services 24 hours a day / 7 days a week for women who have or are experiencing abuse and violence.
- Chadwic Home 705 856-2848
Housing is one of the most fundamental human needs. It is a critical part of the local economy and is a key determinant of health. It creates a sense of home providing stability, prosperity and positive cultural and community development.
- Wawa Housing call municipality at 705-856-2244 Ext. 221
Located in Sault Ste. Marie and Blind River, Sault College Employment Solutions provides one-stop access to employment programs and services for both job seekers and employers. If you’re looking for work, the team at Employment Solutions can provide you with one-on-one assistance and an individualized job search plan, to help you find the next job that is right for you.
The Sault Community Career Centre is a not-for-profit employment service agency that’s been serving Sault Ste. Marie and area since 1992. Conveniently located in downtown Sault Ste. Marie, we provide free help to job seekers, employers and newcomers so that they can reach their professional goals. We want to play our part in helping diversify and grow Sault Ste. Marie’s economy so that it remains vibrant and healthy.
Get skills training and financial support when you qualify for Better Jobs Ontario (formerly Second Career).
- Better Jobs Ontario formerly Second Career
March of Dimes Canada Employment Services exists to ensure that people with disabilities find and keep meaningful jobs. We are Canada’s leader in matching people who have disabilities with employers seeking qualified job candidates.
- March of Dimes Employment services for individuals with disabilities
To provide employment and training services to Urban Indigenous people including Employment Counseling, Resume/Cover Letters, Application Processing, Training Plan Development, Referrals, Employment Supports, Apprenticeships, Targeted Wage Subsidies, Skills Enhancement, Training Purchase, and Mobility Assistance.
- Indigenous Friendship CentreServices for Urban Indigenous
Take courses to improve your reading, writing and math skills, your English or French or to get your high school diploma.
Canadian Hearing Services (CHS) offers employment support to Deaf and hard of hearing individuals, ages 16 and over. We help individuals with their job search and help them succeed by working with them and their employer to put the right supports in place. To learn more about CHS Employment Services, visit Employment Services for Job Seekers.
- Canadian Hearing Services-Employment Supports Program For deaf or hard of hearing individuals
The Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) is intended to meet the needs of people with disabilities and help them to become more independent. ODSP provides financial assistance to people with disabilities. Amount of benefit depends on size of family, shelter costs, income, and assets
There are a number of government programs to support your employment goals.
- Wawa Regional Employment Help Centre
Last Modified: November, 2022