Preconception Health

Algoma Public Health

Preconception Health

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Preconception health refers to your health before becoming pregnant. Your nutrition, habits, and medication affect your baby before they are even conceived. Being informed of your current health status is an important first step to pregnancy.

Why preconception health matters


Every person should be aware of their health whether or not they are planning a pregnancy. Not only for your health and well-being, but also because many pregnancies are unplanned. Unplanned pregnancies are associated with increased risk to both the pregnant person and their baby. By taking action on your health and being aware of possible health issues before pregnancy, you can prevent problems that might affect you or your baby later.



Find a birth control method that is right for you and your partner.


Practice safer sex. Many birth control methods do not protect your from sexually transmitted infections (STIs). STIs, if untreated, may make you sick, and may interfere with your future plans of having a baby.


Live a healthy lifestyle. Eat wellbe active, maintain a healthy weight, keep immunizations up-to-date, be smoke free, limit alcohol and drug use and limit your exposure to harmful chemicals.


My Reproductive Plan

A free booklet for future parents. Topics include how to protect your ability to have children, think about when to have children and how to have the healthiest baby possible when they are ready.


Health Before Pregnancy

Learn about the importance of preparing for pregnancy. Topics include pre-pregnancy planning, fertility and pregnancy, fertility exams and vitamin use before getting pregnant.


Last Modified: March 25, 2024